Sir Do You Know Your Age

The day sad
A smile childish
In its bravado
A decorated
World War II veteran
Taking a test
To determine competence

Sir can you count
What day is it
Do you know your age
Can you tell me your name

Children rage at nature
That their once strong father
Sat confused
Giving answers
Confirming his inadequacy

He had once been a young man
Who went off to war
Fighting to preserve
Freedom for his generation
And the ones that would follow

Now he sat an elderly man
Believing he has the mind
And strength of his yesterdays
When his legs barely
Have strength to stand

Documents signed
And placed in a folder
A war veteran no longer
In charge of his financial affairs

Hearts heavy the children
Glance from one to another
Knowing that the time has come
To become the caretakers of their father

They must stand together
To protect and honor a father
Who had fought a war
To protect them

©Susie Clevenger 2010
